Photos With Captions To Make You Smile And Think

I’m back with another round of photos from daily life. My, things have changed both inside and outside since my last post. Outside, we’ve acquired some white groundcover, love or hate it, winter’s here. Personally, I’ve got mixed feelings about winter; I hate the shorter days, but love skiing and the fact that the cold kills off a lot of nasty bugs. Meanwhile, indoors, it’s looking a lot like Christmas, and much earlier than usual this year.

Let’s get this picture show in the air! Onwards Rudolph, Dasher, Blitzen, Prancer, Crasher, Comet, Vixen, Cupid, Dancer, and Donner! Did you spot the extra reindeer?

“Can’t say for sure, Jeb, but I’m sensing a pattern.”

When you answer, “Sure.” to, “Can I borrow your camera, Dad?”

Not even the pouring rain could snuff their evil glow!

My prayer for you, today.

Photos With Captions To Make You Smile And Think

It’s been a warm Fall so far here, and most folks are taking advantage of the weather while it lasts. The white stuff will be flying before we know it. We just celebrated Thanksgiving, here in Canada, and for us that meant three family gatherings. Phew! There was plenty of driving, but it was great to sit and chew the fat; or I guess turkey and ham would be closer to the truth. I hope you’re all having a great weekend. I hope you enjoy this round of snapshots and slapstick witticisms.

Your Kung Fu is strong, Mantis.”

Nothing wrong about a bit of shameless promo, now and then. 🙂 If you haven’t read it yet, please feel free to click on the link below. It will bring you to my website, where you can read a few sample chapters and find purchase links. Available in ebook and paperback. 50% of proceeds are donated to help victims of human trafficking. Mark