Wacky Word Quiz

Last week I found, Marshmallow, our Leghorn hen, sitting in the middle of the chicken run being pecked by her less than empathetic roomies (injury to her foot). For an injured chicken, that can be a death sentence. It sounds cruel, but it’s a way for the rest to keep from getting ill.

Fortunately, we have an infirmary. Well, the original coup. It’s a tad smaller, but it’s the perfect retreat for Marshmallow to heal. I’m pleased to say that she’s healing nicely and harassment free. Onwards!

Today, I bring you an old favorite. If you’d like to join in, just write your guesses in the comments. All shall be revealed in the next post. Ta-Da!


A) Pretending to be uninterested in something that you actually want

B) The serrated blade on an ice axe used for mountain climbing

C) A truce intended to end property disputes between neighboring farmers

D) A gentle rise in elevation at the base of a foothill


A) The act of spritzing a low dose of perfume, or cologne, on the back of one’s neck

B) To deviate from your usual routine

C) To bask in the sunshine

D) Rebranding your persona to conform with public sentiment


A) A footman tasked with removing muck from carriage wheels, body, and chassis

B) A cap that secures the metal comb of a modern loom

C) The netting which held the strips of hair (weft) in place on eighteenth century wigs

D) Someone who makes shoes


A) Someone or something full of nonsense or lies.

B) Fritter away your time

C) Casting tea leaves to the wind to determine an outcome, or course of action (antiquated saying)

D) Fictitious unit of measurement

Life’s simple pleasures

Happy Friday to all! Right now, I’m looking out my window and admiring the beauty that’s lit by another sunny morning. It’s just another example of life’s small pleasures that we may often take for granted.

Despite recent world events, there’s still plenty of good out there. Yes, there are those larger ticket items; family and friends, health, fun vacations, good food, and personal freedoms. But what about the little things? Here’s a list of the small things, in no particular order, that I’m personally grateful for. Things which may seem insignificant on their own but add up to a big morale boost. They’re everywhere, if you pay attention.

  1. The swish of the wind as it passes through the needles of an evergreen.
  2. The courteous driver who stops to let you turn.
  3. The smell of clean laundry-even better when dried on a clothesline outside.
  4. The call of a loon at sunset.
  5. The crackle and warmth of a campfire.
  6. Fixing that obnoxious squeaking door.
  7. The feel of a cool breeze kissing away the sweat after a hard day’s work.
  8. A smile.
  9. A belly-laugh.
  10. The first sip of fresh coffee.
  11. Good and full days that make you forget time exists.
  12. The scar(s) that are fodder for excellent stories.
  13. Sunrises/sunsets.
  14. The funny antics and quirks of pets.
  15. Rainbows.
  16. Rainstorms when you’re safely tucked in bed.
  17. Conquering procrastination and just “gettin’ it done.”
  18. Arriving safely at a destination.
  19. Impromptu adventures that provide a lifetime of great memories.
  20. The completion of every chapter that draws a WIP (work in progress) towards, “The End.”

Do any of these resonate with you? Please feel free to share your comments. Have a wonderful day!

Six Word Story

Happy Saturday to all! Another weekend has rolled around, and the clacking of these keys is accompanied by the light snores of Sage, our Calico, as she takes a much “needed” thirdsy nap from her secondsy.  Or is it fifteensy? Ah, whatever it is, she’s up there, nestled into her fav spot on the hutch dreaming of the next bug hunt.

Meanwhile, in the great outback, Stella, the vociferous robin with serious anger issues, chirps repeatedly at whatever poor thing(s), flora or fauna, it matters not, close enough to berate. Please Stella! What has that acorn done to earn your wrath?

But this post isn’t about lazy cats or mouthy robins. It’s supposed to be just six words! Six words, Bierman! Can you not count? Well, I could, if it weren’t for the two aforementioned distractions.

Alright, just wanted to say that these last few weeks, with my youngest’s fourteenth birthday and her graduation from Grade Eight has nailed home an inevitable and upcoming reality. Sniff. 😦

Photos With Captions To Make You Smile And Think

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted one of these, so it’s high time to get back on that mare. I’ve been blipping in and out of the blogging world because of necessary extracurriculars. However, I’m gonna keep on plunking these injection molded ABS squares during the wee hours of the morning. Not to worry, I’ll be doing my level best to keep visiting your sites as well. 🙂

The opening sentence was a hint, maybe not a good one, meant to indicate today’s animal theme. Hope you enjoy and have a blessed day!

“Tell me the truth! Do you think I should have taken a dust bath and put on some blush? Sheesh! I look so pale! Stop pecking at that thing and look at me! Not all of us were blessed with perfect crowns, you know.”

“Gosh, Marshmallow! Cram that feedhole full of dirt and lend a claw, would ya! I need to figure this thing out before he realizes I snatched it from his pocket. I even had to squeeze out an extra butt nugget just to distract him. Make it count Marshmallow! Make it count!”

“Welp! They’ve cheaped out on ‘Saturday Brunch’ again! Only so much I can sweep under the fridge before they notice the smell. So . . . looks like you’re gonna have to do the “honors.”

“Anyone know what happened to the batteries for the remote?”

I’m Back!

So, it’s been quite awhile since I’ve last engaged in anything writing. Around March 8, to be exact. If I’m honest, it was intentional. But not in a, ‘give up eating my broccoli and dumping in the dog’s dish,’ way.

Some of you may know that I’ve been working on a career change, due to having my fill of mental health issues arising from years of working as a Correctional Officer. But that’s H20 under the proverbial bridge, as they say. Though it never leaves you, not quite. The mind can forgive, but it never forgets, not those things.  

Just a bit of backdrop there. I haven’t forgotten any of you, though I feel regret for not reengaging with the community sooner. Today is a fresh start, and I’m recommitting to picking up where I left off. It felt good to actually write again this morning.

I’ve been involved with some career retraining, and it’s been eating up my time and energy, so I took a break from all things writing.

I apologize, not for the break, but for dropping out without a word. I have to reread a book I was going to give a review on back in early March.

Today I’ll start reading your blogs again, going as steadily as time and energy will permit.

Never too late to start again, for any of us. Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

Have a blessed day and I’ll see you soon!