New Release: The Rise Of Gadreel, by Vashti Quiroz-Vega #RRBC

Happy Saturday! Please grab your cup of coffee, tea, hot cocoa, or other beverage of your choice. Have a seat in your most comfy chair and put your feet up. Relaxed? Great!

Today I’m introducing a new release by talented multi-genre author, Vashti Quiroz-Vega. I’ll let her take it from here.

Hi, everyone! Thank you for stopping by. I am beyond thrilled to be a guest on Mark’s blog!

Today I’d like to share a snippet from my new release The Rise of Gadreel in Gadreel’s POV.


On the way to the next village, the tinkling of a bell caught me by surprise. I stopped in my tracks at the strange sound and honed my hearing.

“What’s happening?” DracĂșl asked. “Why—”

“Shhh. Listen.” I pointed in the direction of the sound with one hand while pressing the index finger of my other hand against my lips.

The bell jingled within earshot. Golem and DracĂșl acknowledged hearing it, and soon after, Sabina did too. I beckoned them to follow, keeping my finger pressed to my lips. We tiptoed toward the sound and came upon a cemetery bordered by woods on three sides.

“This is an odd place for a cemetery, isn’t it?” I whispered. By the looks of them, they agreed. I read nearby headstones, and the bell tinkled again. I straightened my spine, my muscles tensing.

“Oh God! I recognize what this is.” Sabina’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as she spoke. “We must find the bell that’s ringing . . . quickly!”

Sabina ran, searching each grave she came across. “A tiny bell with a rope attached to it is tied to a stick placed by the tombstone. That rope extends to inside the casket, so that someone buried alive could ring it.”

“You mean . . . someone is buried alive in this graveyard and is now pulling on that rope?” Golem asked, running beside her.


Books 1 & 2 of my Fantasy Angels Series will be on sale for 0.99Âą until the end of the month!

Meet Vashti:

Vashti Quiroz-Vega is a writer of Fantasy, Horror, and Thriller. Since she was a kid she’s always had a passion for writing and telling stories. It has always been easier for her to express her thoughts on paper.

She enjoys reading almost as much as she loves to write. Some of her favorite authors are Stephen King, Sarah J. Maas, Anne Rice, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, Marc Cameron, and George R. R. Martin.

She enjoys making people feel an array of emotions with her writing. She likes her audience to laugh one moment, cry the next and clench their jaws after that.

When she isn’t building extraordinary worlds and fleshing out fascinating characters, she enjoys spending time with her husband JC and her Pomeranian Scribbles who is also her writing buddy.

Connect with Vashti and purchase your copy:






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Born and raised on a farm near Brockville, Ontario, Mark Bierman's childhood consisted of chores, riding horses, snowmobile races across open fields, fishing trips to a local lake, and many other outdoor adventures. He was also an avid reader of both fiction and non. Transitioning towards adulthood also meant moving from the farm and into large urban areas that introduced this country boy to life in the big cities. After a short stint as a private investigator, he moved into the role of Correctional Officer, working at both Millhaven Institution and Kingston Penitentiary, until it closed.

53 thoughts on “New Release: The Rise Of Gadreel, by Vashti Quiroz-Vega #RRBC”

  1. I’m enjoying your tour, Vashti! The idea of being buried alive is do terrifying and your excerpt, and story captured that.
    Thanjs for hosting Mark.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m glad to hear, Yvette. Vashti has a talent for story building. It was a pleasure to host her today. Thanks for coming over. I’d offer you a hot beverage, but the last time I tried to send it via WiFi, it shorted out the system. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Spooky, isn’t it? The best kind of bell, is the dinner bell. 🙂 Thanks for coming over today. I’d offer you a hot beverage, or a cold one, but the last time I tried to send it via WiFi, the whole system shorted out. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Patricia! DracĂșl is the son of fallen angels and the first vampire. However, he chooses to be good and considers himself a warrior for God and the Roman Catholic Church. ‘The Rise of Gadreel’ is set in the medieval period. Book 2 in my Fantasy Angels Series, ‘Son of the Serpent’ is all about DracĂșl. 😀 Thanks for asking!

      Liked by 3 people

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